Teens and art teachers will appreciate this book. It’s about The Design Code® Process—an idea-generating system to help you when you need ideas. It takes you through the basics of what makes up an art composition. And it encourages you to apply it in a unique and original way.
Design principles to the visual arts are like music theory is to music. You can create music without having the ability to read sheet music, but knowing the thinking behind music gives you a wider repertoire of creativity.
The Design Code was developed by Pacific Northwest artist and educator, Fred Griffin. I first encountered his system as a student in art school. He taught design principles in an unusual way. At first his system had no name. His students watched him carve and shape it until he eventually called it The Design Code—because it “cracks” the problem of what to do with an empty surface. I often think of it as an elegant game of solitaire. It makes you visually stretch. I’ve used the system to solve problems and win awards, as have others influenced by him. It has given me great insight to the arts in general. This book is a tribute to his legacy. (The third edition is in revision, although independent online bookstores may still offer previous editions.)